The owner of this website (www.castanuelas.com) is Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal, businesswoman under Spanish law, established in Street de la Paz, 41013 Sevilla, Spain. NIF 28790666W.
User agrees voluntarily and will not use the website or its services and content in a manner contrary to the provisions of the legislation. By accessing and browsing this website implies acceptance and knowledge of legal warnings, conditions and terms of use contained therein.
Mª Teresa Ávarez Leal reserves the right to withdraw access to this website, without prior notice, the user that contravenes the provisions these General Terms of Use.
Mª Teresa Ávarez Leal can change without notice General Conditions of Use, and other general or specific conditions, rules of use or warnings that may apply. It also reserves the right to modify the presentation, layout and location of the website, when necessary, as well as the contents and the conditions required for its use.
Mª Teresa Ávarez Leal provides certain services to the users related to the online sale of castanets, subject to the terms and conditions stated in this website, the user must read the conditions that apply to each service.
Mª Teresa Ávarez Leal provides free information and clear to USERS about the products and services it provides to its customers, their characteristics and information about the entity.
In http://www.castanuelas.com could be links to other sites, which do not depend of Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal. These links do not imply inclusion, recommendation, suggestion or invitation to visit landing pages and therefore don´t assumes Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal liability that may arise when accessing pages.
The user acknowledges and accepts that all rights to intellectual property on the contents and any other elements on the Website belong to Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal or its suppliers.
Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal own all the elements of the graphic design of your website, menus, textures, HTML code, navigation buttons, graphics, text, images and other content of the website, or in any case , has the corresponding authorization for the use of such elements.
The user is only allowed to view the contents of the page. To download on a single computer one copy of the material for your personal, never commercial purposes may be made, provided that the user complies with all relevant intellectual property.
It is prohibited to circumvent, delete or manipulate the "copyright" and other data http://www.castanuelas.com rights, as well as technical protection devices or any information mechanism such content.
Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal authorizes the establishment of links from other sites and yours, subject to compliance the following conditions, and following approval by the address of the entity:
1 - They do not give an image Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal or its products that is wrong, distorted or harmful.
2-That the link is not a site whose contents are contrary to law, morals and public order.
3 - Do not create the impression that the contents or Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal website belong or have been designed for managers, owners or advertisers on the site from which the link is established.
4-Do not expose an inexistent relationships and links between Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal and the owners, managers or advertisers from establishing the link, when this is not the case.
The conditions of use and access of this web page are regulated by the law and the principle of good faith, committing the user to make good use of the website and its services.
Forbidden to commit acts that violate the legal, rights and interests of third parties, and expressly is prohibits:
Spamming (sending mass emails) advertising or commercial information directly or covertly, or sending large messages in order to block network servers.
Perform activities that may harming Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal systems or third parties through the website and by any means.
Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal assumes no responsibility for inappropriate use, incorrect or illegal use of the information appearing on the web sites: www.castanuelas.com.
Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal in compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, through its website provides access, by electronic means, permanently free, easy, directly to the information on your company name, address, e-communications, tax information and registration.
1. In compliance with Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter "LOPD"), Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal informs the user that all personal data you provide to through the website will be stored in files, created and maintained under the responsibility of GRAPHIC LINE and called "Folder Customer / Supplier"
The personal data will be used in order to manage the services offered on-line commerce, perform administrative tasks, and to send information that may be of interest.
The use of forms and application or contract for services of this website is limited to users older than 18 years of age, or who have permission or legal, in the case of procurement. By using any of them, you warrant that you meet this requirement and accept the consequences arising if otherwise.
2. Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal guarantees the confidentiality and security of their personal data when they are processed to the extent that it has implemented treatment policies and security measures (technical and organizational) that referred to in Article 9 LOPD. The policies and security measures implemented in Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal prevent the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized use of their personal data.
When you provide your data or those of third parties, you agree to have the consent of such third parties for the transfer of data.
EXPRESSLY AGREE or not the processing of such data by Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal, its departments, cooperating agencies and their assignment to other entities whose connection to your data is necessary or legally required to provide the service. This consent may be revoked by the exercise of ARCO rights (access, rectification, cancellation and opposition) Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal assures you this exercise:
Sending an email to the email address: info@castanuelas.com
Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal declines all responsibility when access or visits to your website would impossible or difficult due to a power failure, telephone or other Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal telecommunications suppliers, or in the case of social conflicts or other assumptions of God, or any actions of third parties.
It also don´t assumes all liability for damages that may occur to the visitor on their computer or telematic means a result of the production of any of the circumstances outlined above.
Not allowed to provide data of persons under fourteen years of age through this website. Mª Teresa Álvarez Leal disclaims any liability for breach of this requirement.
Reform Law of User Privacy. "Cookies".
Much of the investment in the Internet is done from the online advertising industry. As known, one of the ways that Internet advertising is done is through cookies. Cookies are tools that have an essential role in the delivery of many services of the information society that concentrate the largest investment in the advertising field, facilitate user navigation and offer sometimes based on browsing habits advertising.
A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer to access certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user or your computer, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, can be used to recognize user.
This retrieved information must always respect user privacy, so we have tried to make an amendment in the rules of the Privacy Act, creating a New National Community Regulation and to safeguard the interests of natural or legal persons who use service the information society.
In Castanuelas.com we use the following cookies:
Cookies utma __, __ utmb, __ utmc, __ utmz: are cookies used by the Google Analytics service. The use of these cookies allows us to see where a visitor comes, the time you spend on our website, the pages you visit, etc.. It is a tracking cookie.
- FAPS, PREF, FAPS, NID: google services and google accounts.
__lglaw: cookie control is installed once the customer accepts the use of cookies (when you start surfing the Web) and serves to show no more notice to customers who accepted the use of the same (1 year term)
All browsers usually have the option to view and delete cookies installed on the client computer. If you want to delete the cookies installed on your computer we recommend using a web browser (eg google.es) and perform a search with the following terms: "delete cookies in xxx" (without quotes) and sustituyas xxx by the browser name that interests you.